System Status

Status as of 03-13-2025 07:27:33 PM. Our System Status is a real-time view of the performance and uptime of our products and services. If you're a customer, please bookmark this page and check back if you experience a service disruption.

Klutech System/Service Status

Analytic Capturing System
Analytic Reporting System
Dedicated Hosting Network
Domain Name System (DNS)
Email Marketing System
Email Notification System
Mail Exchange (Email Hosting)
Manage My Business
Offsite Backup Hosting Cluster
Order Reporting
Payment Gateway (Credit Card Processing)
Printing - Art Archive
Printing - Art Upload
Printing - Status Tracking
Production Manager
SMS (Text Message) Marketing System
SMS (Text Message) Notification System
Shared Hosting Clusters
SmarterTools Bundle Registration
Social Media Bot
VPS Hosting Clusters
Webmail Application
WordPress Hosting Clusters
SmarterMail Control Panel

API Status

Instagram Feed Reader (legacy API)
Analytic Capturing System
Email Notification System
Instagram Feed Reader (oAuth accessToken)
Location Connection
Order Reporting
Payment Gateway
Production Manager
SMS Notification System

Data Center Replication Status

KT02 - Irvine, CA, USA
KT10 - Lake Forest, CA, USA
KT01 - Provo, UT, USA
KT06 - Orem, UT, USA
KT09 - Salt Lake City, UT, USA
KT03 - Denver, CO, USA
KT04 - Dalas, TX, USA
KT05 - Boston, MA, USA
KT08 - New York, NY, USA
KT07 - Buffalo, NY, USA

Maintenance Policy

We perform maintenance to continue to deliver optimal performance, reliability and security. We strive to perform them without impact to our customers; however, the possibility always exists that a maintenance event can have unintended consequences up to and including unplanned or extended service interruption. We hope you understand that such maintenances are necessary to benefit you and your customers

If we expect a maintenance event to cause service disruption we will use reasonable efforts to post advance notice of the maintenance. For example, if we have to remove a system element to perform maintenance, we will transfer the system to a redundant element to minimize downtime, but there may be some downtime while the system transfers to the redundant element.

If maintenance is urgently needed, we may not be able to give much, or any, advance notice; for example, we may need to install critical security updates or replace failed system components.